If full page is punch - drunk, be about to be sent afresh.
假如整页模糊不清, 就要重新发送一次.
互联网Balsamic vinegar: The tradition of this beloved sweet Italian vinegar deserves a full page unto itself.
香醋: 这个可爱的甜醋传统的意大利值得一整版你们自己.
互联网Placement of up to full page advertisement or company write up in the book.
——期刊摘选What disease does full page careless toxin treat?
——期刊摘选The ad took up a full page.
——期刊摘选Italy the full page are more than more than 20 minutes other editions.
——期刊摘选Resize form or report automatically to display a complete record or a full page?
——期刊摘选Dried tofu instead of a full page advertisement to replace the small classified advertisements.
——期刊摘选Architecture design scheme is represented by drawing , solid drawing, sectiondrawing and fine deco - rating full - page proof.
建筑设计方案,主要通过平面图 、 立面图和剖面图及细部装饰大样来表现.
互联网Put a full - page ad in the newspaper every Friday, advertising the weekly special coming up.
每周五在报纸上做整版广告, 为每周特卖作宣传.
互联网By contrast, a full - page colour ad in Entertainment Weekly costs about 9 a page per copy.
相对的, 娱乐周刊中一整个版面的广告,每页成本只有9每份.
互联网Helen: Yes. We're putting the same full - page ad in the Sunday edition of three major newspapers.
海伦: 有的.我们在三大报的星期天版面放了相同的全版广告.
互联网Use of high - quality float glass, full - page screen printing process Frosting!
采用优质浮法玻璃, 整版蒙砂丝印加工!
互联网Use of high - quality float glass full - page screen printing process from frost!
互联网Were putting the same full - page ad in theSundayedition of three major newspapers.
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